6 years ago
Hardcore Hitler on Hitler in Helsinki
Here it comes, the moment we’ve been waiting for, when Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki to officially launch the Destruction of Democracy, and very possibly the Apocalypse itself. That’s right, folks, once again, it appears we’re looking at the end of everything… By CJ Hopkins.
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Better than the unique view counts, better than the edition saves... there it is: the reflexive, unknowing, unstinting downvote!
Consider how better to know if one's had any effect in this world than that proof positive someone's had a reaction, however autonomic, reassuringly reflexive and blissfully mindless. Let people that compose sentences worry about the commenting and reading and understanding, all the egghead stuff.
Me? Give me that pot-calling-the-kettle-a-fascist, ever-loving everyman true-believer's lizard brain tongue-flick of a downvote — cast without having made it to the start of the first paragraph of course — every time for consolation that when I go to my reward, I'll have heresied against their dogma, blasphemed against their rote trigger:response zero-sum vote manipulation daze, and shaken my fist in anger somewhat less impotent for having done it.
Their vapidity is why tears like those are considered such a delicacy.
"Their vapidity is why tears like those are considered such a delicacy."
There is so much intricacy there.