9 years ago
Europe shouldn’t worry about migrants. It should worry about creeping fascism
The greatest threat to our “way of life” is not migration. It is that we will swallow the lie that some human lives matter less than others. By Laurie Penny. (August 14)
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Mass Migration: What Is Driving the Balkan Exodus?
More than a third of all asylum-seekers arriving in Germany come from Albania, Kosovo and Serbia. Young, poor and disillusioned with their home countries, they are searching for a better future. But almost none of them will be allowed to stay. By Susanne Koelbl, Katrin Kuntz and Walter Mayr. -
Donald Trump and the shadow of Europe’s far-right
“Just as European populist radical right parties have a much larger gender gap than mainstream right-wing parties, attracting roughly two men for every one woman, Trump has the largest gender gap among the GOP candidates, particularly among likely Republican primary voters.” By Ishaan Tharoor.
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The creeping nationalist fascism is a symptom of far more than just immigration and it is global now. There is a storm approaching.