9 years ago
Dell apologizes for HTTPS certificate fiasco, provides removal tool
Meanwhile, credential that posed man-in-the-middle threat found on SCADA system. By Dan Goodin.
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Learning From Lenovo's Compounded Failures, Dell Apologizes For Its Own HTTPS Certificate Screw Up
Dell this week found itself under fire for embedding a certificate in some PCs that makes it relatively easy for attackers to cryptographically impersonate HTTPS-protected websites. First discovered by a programmer named Joe Nord, Dell's eDellRoot certificate appears to have been preinstalled...
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I really wonder how many of this kind of activity is out there that we just havent heard of yet.
As in "screw up, because they didn't know better" ?
In any case, it is way more likely than I'd like to think...
Shame on you Dell. There is no excuse for this, none.
Not even coercion by three-letter agencies?
Nope. If Linus Torvalds can tell them to stick it, so can Dell.
It’s true that Torvalds says he’s not been approached.
Ahhh,I remember that!