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Published 9 years ago by AdelleChattre with 9 Comments

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  • echoforever

    Crash course world history on Youtube is also pretty well presented. You might enjoy it more if you prefer a video over an article/book.

    • AdelleChattre

      You mean this?

      • echoforever

        Yes. I have spent hours watching these videos over the weekend.

        • dannycdannydo

          I don't suppose you know any good documentaries on aspects of Chinese history (looking for something a bit more in depth than that youtube series)? Perhaps a series on a particular dynasty... I have spent time looking and didn't find all that much. I think it's a bit of a pity that we learn next to nothing about Chinese history when it's so interesting, vast and important to how the world developed.

          Understandably we (UK educational system) learnt more about the world wars, french revolution etc... as I guess they had more relevance to us. Would have been nice to have a little bit of something different though.

    • BoogaBooga

      As a corollary, in the review they mentioned Bill Gates' Big History Project. Just poked around the site for a bit and it seems like there are some neat videos and stuff there. One of the videos was from Crash Course as well. (Which reminds me I really need to go back and catch up on that series!)

  • Seb

    Has anyone here actually read it?

    • Grassgrows

      I just the first forty pages of that book, and I must say it is extremely interesting. He writes in a way that all the history of the world becomes an interesting novel like educational book. Definitely recommend it!

      • Seb

        I'll definitely read it at some point then

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