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Published 9 years ago by 5irKarl with 16 Comments

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  • Cloptologist

    I own neither. PC Gaming gives me all the features I could ever want.

  • fivestarsoul

    I've been in the Sony camp since the original Playstation and have never owned an Xbox. I've held off picking sides this generation, mainly because both consoles were in rough shape for a while. Fortunately, I think E3 restored hope for fans of both consoles. Lots of things to be excited about. But if I had to pick sides right now, I would probably move to camp Xbox. I'd rather have great software on weaker hardware than vice versa, and Microsoft has done a great job of repairing their image since the One's disastrous launch.

    • snappleman

      I think I agree with you completely. I have been a Sony 'fanboy' for as long as I have owned consoles, but now am more seriously considering the xbone than the PS4. A lot of it has to do with the media features, and overall a seemingly more secure and stable network.

  • Goronmon

    Generally speaking, it really comes down what (if any) exclusives there are that you care about more. If you want Halo, get Xbox One, if you want Uncharted, get a PS4. The general feature set is going to be pretty equivalent between each system.

  • Cuken

    I own both and like them each for different reasons. I mainly game on PC, and will purchase a game for PC before the other 2. If you want more of a streamlined media experience then you'll want to go with the Xbox. Sony has a lot in its corner as well, focusing more on game play and sharing with friends over the tv media experience Xbox was going for. In the coming months, xbox is supposed to get an overhaul with the launch of Windows 10. it may emerge as the superior choice once Microsoft shows all the improvements for the system.

  • ClarkKent

    I own both and use both for different reasons. Gears of War and the Halo games of course I am going with Xbox one, Uncharted and anything really Naughty Dog, I have to with the PS4.

    Multitude of reasons to have both consoles and love them equally!

    • 5irKarl

      What do you play multiplat on?

      • ClarkKent

        Well, as for the Call of Duties and Maddens, I have friends on both so usually I get games on them both.. Frustrating, but really I have no preferences.

  • Nospine

    Well, if it's features you want, and not a gaming system just for, well, gaming then the Xbox One is your man. The X1 may not be the most powerful this current generation but it can do much more than the PS4 can. Since it's running a modified version of Windows 8 you can expect to find similar features such as "app snapping" which allows you to run two different apps at the same time or native Skype support. It also works really well as a multimedia system if you want to use it for movies or TV/Cable. Also, if you owned an Xbox360 during last gen you're in luck because it was announced that the Xbox One will have backwards compatibility with some games. Though this is coming from someone who favors the PlayStation 4 as a gaming system (there's many good reasons, but I won't get into that right now since features is the main focus here :P)

  • SoCalWingFan

    I don't own either of them, but as someone who never owned a 360, the Xbone's recently announced backwards compatibility is a pretty compelling feature that the PS4 doesn't really match.

  • Cronkgarrow

    The thing that is hacking me off with the PS4 is the lack of cooperative driving games. Really disappointed with that.

    • DylanMcDermott

      While I presume you mean like halo where one person drives and the other does something else, like shooting from the vehicle, imagining one person operating the wheel while the other operates the gas/brakes while trying to communicate via voice chat is cracking me up

      • Cronkgarrow

        No like split screen racing games. There are none. Real shame.

        • Twnpnews

          Need some more of those for sure!


    Wow the fact that it's neck and neck proves that both consoles are great choices!

  • StickyKees

    I feel that the PS4 has more power, but XB1 has more console 'features' like on the menu. But they're about just as stable as each other...but XBL doesn't go down as much as Playstation Network, either. Hard to say, really. They both have strong points.

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