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Published 11 years ago by teamsnapzu with 38 Comments

FAQ: Snapzu Basics

Frequently asked questions about Snapzu and it's basic functionality.

    • 1 +1

      What is Snapzu?

      Snapzu is a platform for communities. It consists of thousands of user-run tribes about all kinds of topics and ideas that people can join and participate in. All content is provided and curated by the community by using community approval (voting). For a much more detailed explanation, be sure to check out the "Prologue" and "What is Snapzu?" posts!

    • 2 +1

      Is Snapzu free to use?

      Of course. Snapzu is free and always will be.

    • 3 +1

      Do I have to provide any personal information?

      No, we do not require any personal information (except gender for visual effects). Because of the nature of the site, we believe that anonymity is the best approach to this kind of social platform. Bloggers/influencers that use the Blog Enhancement Suite may be required this information for payout purposes.

    • 4 +1

      What is a snap?

      A snap is a user-created hub serving content for other members to view, comment, vote and participate in. It can be as simple as a single link, image or video, but it can also be made more complex by adding multiple elements together.

    • 5 +1

      What is the best way to discover content?

      It all depends on how you want it delivered.

      a) Your home feed (must be logged in) provides raw live postings of snaps, text posts, comments & contributions into a neat easy to follow activity stream. There are 3 available feed options:

      • The "Following" feed shows all activity by the members you follow.
      • The “Tribes” feed allows you to see activity from all the tribes you are a member of.
      • The "Saved" feed shows all activity/updates associated with the snaps you have saved.

      b) Dedicated tribes (like /t/technology) are specific topic focused communities where users share all kinds of cool stuff like links, pics, and videos and have discussions about them. Members can join these tribes and acquire "Tribe Mastery" with activity.

      c) The "Front Page" shows all recent content sorted by its popularity (votes) displayed in boxes on a large grid. The larger the box, the higher voted content it is. Users can switch from the grid view to a more traditional list view.

      d) Category "Front Pages" focus on more specific categories such as Science, Business, Video, etc. These are accessible by using the drop-down menu named "Browse by category" located just above the Front Page grid/list, to the right.

    • 6 +1

      What is your stance on censorship?

      Unless the content is breaking site rules or any laws, it will not be edited or removed. We have plans on creating a public moderation log for each tribe, regardless of size, for full transparency.

    • 7 +1

      I own a blog, forum, website, and/or have significant social influence. Is there any way we can work together?

      Yes, be sure to check out our Blog Enhancement Suite. It's a package of tools designed by bloggers for bloggers to help in growth, content, and monetization.

    • 8 +1

      How is Snapzu different from Reddit?

      As you can imagine, this one gets asked a lot.

      Here are some general similarities:

      1. You can vote up or down on all posts, comments and contributions. More votes from others means higher placement in posts, tribes, and the front page, thus resulting in more exposure. Spam or any other poor quality content does not stand a chance.

      2. Our individual communities are called "tribes" and we use the /t/ in the URL to organize them (ie. /t/lounge or /t/technology). In these tribes, members can post relevant links and discussions, and vote on other member's posts.

      3. The front page shows the most popular content from all tribes and is accessed by clicking the Snapzu logo on the top left. The front page list view follows a traditional layout and has several filtering and customization options. The dynamic mag/grid view allows you to browse using beautiful magazine-like visuals where posts grow in size with votes to receive much more exposure. Our members love both, and you can switch between list view and mag view using the toggle on the top right area.

      Here are some fundamental differences:

      1. Your home feed provides all raw/live posts and activity from tribes you join, people you follow, and/or posts you save. This section is accessed by clicking the house button up top on the right.

      2. You can post links and content into more than one tribe (community) at a time which helps keep 're-posts' at a minimum. This system also vastly reduces the element of luck of any post's potential success.

      3. You can post images without using a 3rd party service like Imgur, and you can embed Youtube and Vimeo videos directly.

      4. Your post does not have to be just text or a link. You can add multiple modules (link, text, image, video, list, map, etc) to give your posts more value.

      5. All members can contribute to your posts by adding "related links", which add value to the post and are voted on by other members, just like comments.

      6. Instead of link/comment karma, you earn Experience Points (XP) for participation used for leveling up your profile, and Reputation, a percentage score based on how other users vote on your posts.

      7. Each member has a limit on how many tribes (communities) they can operate, based on XP level reached. No "power mods" here.

      8. Snapzu is invite only. All new members are provided with a small number of invite codes to give away if they choose.

      9. If you operate a blog, forum, website and/or have significant social influence, our Partnership Referral Program allows you to secure an additional source of revenue for growing and maintaining a related Snapzu community by seeding traffic with your existing web audience. Throw up a few links and watch your tribe grow and prosper. Feel free to embed your tribe's top content on your blog or website to give it more value. Note: Early-access beta is only available for a limited time and is offering an introductory 50/50 rev-share split to the first 500 partners.

  • More Questions?

    If you have any additional questions you feel need to be answered in this FAQ, please post in the below comments section. We are constantly looking to update this section!


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  • FigureFour

    Why did I have to specify a gender to sign up if you "don't require any personal information" and believe that "anonymity is the best approach to this kind of social platform"?

    • teamsnapzu

      Hi FigureFour, specifying a gender doesn't endanger your anonymity and allows us to do some great stuff with visuals in regards to our leveling system. We hope you stick around and give us a try, lots of great people here.

      • FamousFellah

        Is there any chance you could add a few more options, or a catch-all "unspecified"? The "male" option is just fine for me, but others might feel differently or simply wish to omit that information.

      • miyakohouou

        What about people who don't identify as male or female?

  • Skaggs

    Is there a smart phone app in the works? In this day and age, a smart phone app would seem to be crucial for success for something like this.

    • teamsnapzu

      At this point we do not have a smartphone app, but we are looking forward to creating one in the future!

  • EdwardTjGerety

    How do I go about unfollowing someone?

    As I was linked automatically to several people who I do not know and do not believe in linking my name with just anyone.

    Thank you

    • jcscher

      Go to following ,click on it and unfollow each one you do not want to follow.

      • TNY

        To add to this, the unfollow button is located just to the right of each user's profile picture (the circle).

    • [Deleted Profile]

      [This comment was removed]

  • sysadmin

    Is there a place we can suggest features/changes (other than bug reports) so users can comment and vote on them?

    • teamsnapzu

      We have created the /t/lounge tribe and have build functionality around it in the last release (4.4) so that there is a central place users can discuss functionality amongst other things.

  • cuntoprofundity

    When will the public moderation logs be implemented, approximately?

  • galacticunion

    I just tryed to post a link but there is no green publish button just a save button. What am I doing wrong? Thank you so much for your reply.

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

      [This comment was removed]

    • Appaloosa (edited 8 years ago)

      Hi there. Ok, you see the green submit button. Hit that first. A panel will come up where you can insert your link.....then hit submit. That will upload your link and should load in a title and a picture. This panel allows you to edit your snap before you hit publish. You can chose different tribes to post in as well as the category of what it is, interactive, expression, etc. Once you think it's ready, hit publish and it will send it out.

      • galacticunion (edited 8 years ago)

        There is no publish button, there is only a green save button. Also there is no place to add a tribe just the square thing where you can add links and things like that. Do I need to have more xp points or something like that do you think?

        • Appaloosa

          No, low xp points would not prevent you from posting. Ok, could you get to the initial submit and then to the next panel where you paste your link and hit submit?

          • galacticunion

            Yes I can get there and then it sends me to the page where I can edit the title and things like that and it says when ready hit green publish button but there is no green publish button only green save button.

            • Appaloosa

              Wow...the top right should have a big green publish button, and two smaller panels saying finished and preview. Nothing like that?

            • galacticunion
              @Appaloosa -

              No nothing like that, no place to go after I get to edit page, a save button is the only option on the page.

            • galacticunion
              @galacticunion -

              There is only the same submit green button like on all pages. That does not change.

            • Appaloosa
              @galacticunion -

              The snap in draft before you publish is automatically saved. I can't say I've ever recalled seeing a save button in the posting process.

            • galacticunion
              @Appaloosa -

              I have screen shots but I'm new and I don't really know how to save them on snapzu. Just under the content area of the link there is a save button.

            • galacticunion
              @galacticunion -

              I'm going to logout and then back in to see if that makes a dif. Thanks for all your help so far.

            • Appaloosa
              @galacticunion -

              Oh...I see, when you are in edit mode. You should hit save first then go to the right and hit the publish button.

            • galacticunion (edited 8 years ago)
              @Appaloosa -

              Nop, that just eliminates the save button, but no publish button appears. But if I try to redo the snap with that title it tells me that that title has already been used in another snap. I think for some reason the program is having problems. Or I am doing something so simple wrong it's in front of my face. But thanks for the help.

            • galacticunion
              @galacticunion -

              By the way I love that movie Appaloosa.

            • Appaloosa
              @galacticunion -

              yes, if youv'e saved the title before it wont let you put a new one in. You need to delete the previous save

            • galacticunion
              @Appaloosa -

              I have saved a number of these trying to get it to work but nothing is showing up in my saved page. I'm on a linux machine but tomarrow I will try a windows machine to see if that is the problem. If no one else is having problems it has to do with something I'm doing. Thanks so much for the help.

            • Appaloosa
              @galacticunion -

              I feel bad I havnt been much help. Ive passed this in to Gladsdotter, the site guru and admin.

            • galacticunion
              @Appaloosa -

              Thanks so much for your help, with your help at least I know what is missing and what to look for, I was lost before. Thanks

            • Appaloosa
              @galacticunion -

              Very complicated movie!

  • NaughtyorGneiss

    Is there a way to donate to Snapzu? I really like the site and want to help it grow.

  • ReverendEntity

    Are there any plans for a dark/night theme? The layout is nice, but it gets tiring to the eyes.

  • garydouglas

    My posts are all under Drafts in my section. So they do not go live, are not visible to others?

    Gary Douglas Stern

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