  • jmcs

    You are free to post questions here.

    About the side note, what IDE are you using? Most have options to choose the python version. I personally recommend Pycharm the community edition is free. Python 2 and Python 3 have some important differences including incompatible strings, and while is perfectly possible to build applications compatible with both several applications and code snippets will break if you try to run them on the wrong version.

    • idlethreat

      Pycharm is a superb application which should work well for coding. Bought the pro version a while back and it was worth it.

    • Wenjarich

      Thanks, for the response.

      In terms of the IDE I downloaded, as far as I am aware, I just got the latest python 3 IDE off the python site. I'll definitely look at Pycharm! I think I will stick to pyth2 then. So far it wasn't too difficult to work out the differences for what I have done up till now, but I feel it would probably slow me down each time I wan't to practice if I have to work out the conversion.