  • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

    The problem with Reddit's current subreddit banning policies is that they are not equal. Subs like SRS get by without so much as a slap on the wrist, while others that don't jive with the admins world views have to worry so much about sticking to the rules. I'll settle for the Snapzu admins being objective, even-handed and honest in their dealings with the community.

    • spaceghoti

      I agree, the reddit admins have been extremely hands-off when it comes to bad behavior which makes it all the more shocking when they're finally prompted to move. Nevertheless, many of the comments I've seen suggest that some of the self-exiled redditors coming here expect that there will be no censorship at all. I think it's in the best interests of the site for the admins to nip that impression in the bud.

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