  • Appaloosa

    Good day! My 2 cents, I was in Digg, left there during the Digg Patriot wars, went to Reddit, still go there for some of the subs, was made aware of Snapzu from an old Reddit friend, Adelle Chattre....and we disagree on some issues, and yet because of our respect for each other's opinion, not because we always agree I am here.

    I can tell you, I have used the downvote once since I have joined...and I am not afraid to use it, just very conscious of when or why.

    The reason for me is simple. I have an opinion, we all do. Many may not agree with it...and that's ok. I may not agree with other's opinions. I just don't vote them up as opposed to voting them down. We all know what bury brigades are. I am very much of a mind of not enabling this behavior. So if you don't agree, pass. If you do, vote.