  • drunkenninja

    Did a quick search and here is whats coming in June for the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Hope it helps dude.

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    • ttubravesrock

      I wish sci-fi and fantasy weren't lumped together like they are. It takes completely different reading styles to enjoy them. I've actually tried several times to read some of the top books in the fantasy category. I barely managed to trudge through The Hobbit. I couldn't even get halfway through Dragonriders of Pern before I just couldn't take it anymore and quit. I started off enjoying the first two thirds of the first harry potter book, but then started to lose interest. I actually thought discworld was too silly to the point of being dumb. I read all sorts of rave reviews about book of the new sun so I got excited and bought The Shadow and The Claw. It never got my interest, and about 1/3 of the way through, I wanted to quit. I kept telling myself that maybe it will get better, so I fought through and was sorely disappointed.

      I know that there are some genre bending books out there that have a mix of sci-fi and fantasy. I just read one recently and it was tolerable

      • drunkenninja (edited 9 years ago)

        You make a good point. I too am definitely more into the sci-fi stuff so I would be great if the two genres weren't so clumped together. I guess for the moment we just need to be more selective.