  • DrCritical (edited 9 years ago)

    So you want Jedi reflexes.

    Yes! I was thinking of it as a more general form of spider-sense

    I suppose if there was no upper limits on how many plants you could control you could set some events into place that would outlast you and possibly improve the world. Using human and plant cooperation to achieve long term goals.

    • spaceghoti

      I suppose if there was no upper limits on how many plants you could control you could set some events into place that would outlast you and possibly improve the world. Using human and plant cooperation to achieve long term goals.

      And that's a power you don't want?

      • DrCritical

        I was thinking short-term! I want to do cool stuff now

        • spaceghoti

          So your negative power is one you already possess: impatience. ;)

        • DrCritical
          @spaceghoti -

          I suppose super impatience and knowing what's coming in three seconds could drive a man little crazy too