  • spaceghoti

    Demolition companies would love you.

    • drunkenninja

      I guess so!

      • spaceghoti (edited 9 years ago)

        Hmm...I had a thought. Would that destructive blast also destroy the air around you on arrival? Or just a concussion blast that would level 20 square meters of wilderness? Either way it would make your arrival pretty loud.

        • drunkenninja

          It happens after 30 seconds so I have a chance to get the hell out of there too.

          • DrCritical (edited 9 years ago)

            Prepare to never own a cellphone, unless you can run 1.5 km in 30 seconds. Also hopefully you're legs are never injured and you need to teleport to safety, or worse to a hospital.

          • drunkenninja
            @DrCritical -

            Yep I thought about that. Would be hell in most situations.