  • ChrisTyler
    @Bastou -

    I don't see how you can claim it would "lose its international user base", there are over 1.5 billion English speakers spread all over the planet; there are more English speakers in India than there are people in Canada and the UK combined.

    They simply don't have the resources for multi-language support. I'm sure that when they do, they'll implement it.

    • Bastou
      @ChrisTyler -

      How many of them have access to internet and use it for leisure?

      I meant that there are many similar sites competing for users. People who want to be able to post and read stuff in their native language, whether they speak English or not, will choose a platform where they can do so. Snapzu looks very promising and I which them all the best. They really seem to be going in the right direction and to listen to their user base. But user fidelity to a website is all but an illusion, they will go where they can find the content they're interested in. It's not a threat, it's a reality of the modern market space.

      I for one will stick around. But I'm suggesting what I think would be a cautiously wise move because I do care about Snapzu.

      And although it feels like I'm repeating myself over and over, I'm perfectly aware of the effort and resources needed for such big changes and I don't expect anything to be flawless in a short time. They already made the easiest and smartest move : they removed the "this is not in English" reason for downvotes, and it satisfies me completely for the time being, while we patiently wait for a better support of foreign language content. I only suggested that the small resources they can spare be put to improving this weakness of their website so it can continue to grow as a community we all love around the world.

      Still, what I'm saying is an opinion of mine, and it may very well be that this opinion is not shared with all that many international users. I can't predict what will happen in the next few months if nothing is done towards fixing this issue anymore than anyone else. But I speak as someone who doesn't have English as his first language and who knows many people like him. This is the only advantage I have in predicting what said people might do here.