  • l23r

    If you don't want to read something in German, why is it so difficult for you to just scroll past it?

  • ChrisTyler
    @l23r -

    I don't think you have an appropriate appreciation for just how chaotic this could potentially be. When you follow someone, you see just about everything they do on your Activity Feed. From the Activity Feed FAQ:

    Your activity feed is a private news feed of all actions made by you and the users you follow, including their new snaps, comments, submissions, pinups, and other social activity.

    If only a few people you follow regularly post/comment in other languages, it can make your Activity Feed all but unintelligible, which is why websites have language filters in the first place.

    • l23r
      @ChrisTyler -

      I can see followers Tweets, FB friends posts or Tumblr followers entries that are in languages I don't know... and I just scroll past them.