
Morning Coffee - 6/16/15 - Lesser Known Tribes edition

Well, after all the E3 excitement yesterday, and the ongoing Steam sale excitement, I'm spent. There's still more to come, as well! I'm having some dark roast, and it's delicious.

So, what're your favorite tribes so far? I'm a fan of:


/t/interesting (Fringe logo!)




/t/comiccovers - I'm biased though, I started this and I've only submitted one thing. But I love me some comic book cover art.

How're you doing today?

8 years ago by Autumnal with 29 comments

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Conversation 14 comments by 8 users
  • Tawsix

    Sadly I haven't seen much on the Steam Sale so far that I already don't either own or really want. Still holding out though.

    • Autumnal

      I picked up Alien: Isolation, and it's incredible

      • aj0690

        I hear it has a lot of jump scares. I hate those so I'm avoiding it.

        • ObiWanShinobi

          That's the same reason I don't go to most horror movie these days. It's a little indignant spending an entire movie half turned into my seat so as to appropriately cower when the music spikes and something jumps onscreen. Give me psychological horror any day.

          • aj0690

            Same, I want a good atmosphere and story, not some random jump scenes in a shitty movie.

      • Tawsix

        Sadly, my laptop has less in common with a real computer and more in common with a toaster. I had to leave my rig back home, no amazing graphics for me for the time being.

    • ObiWanShinobi

      A bunch of games go on my steam wishlist because I want to buy them on sale, but by the time they're on sale I'm either broke, or have forgotten why I want them.

    • Splitfish

      I've seen some good games on sale but I want the 75% off, not 10-25%.

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  • Crator

    Every year I say I won't buy something. I say I won't even look at the store. Then Gabe steals my wallet away.

    I actually should look through some of the deeper tribes. The content on my front page has been interesting enough I guess.

    • mariogi

      And then 4 of 5 games you buy will sit there collecting dust till the end of time. At least thats how it is for moi.

      • Crator

        I swear I haven't played the half the games in my library. The struggle is real

        • Splitfish

          It's more than real haha. I got like 60 games, but only played like 20, finished only like 8.

  • ObiWanShinobi

    Another plug, but one that could result in positive changes for the site. If you have ideas about how your experience on Snapzu can be improved, please post it at /t/ideasforsnapzu!

  • spacepopper

    Those 2 comic book tribes you listed just earned a new member.

  • Cheesemangeur

    I'm going to plug my brand new tribe, /t/languagecafe as a place to chat in other languages! For native speakers or for language learners :)

  • picklefingers

    I've actually not been buying much this sale (mainly because I'm genuinely trying to put money into savings at this time). Bought all of the Civ 5 expansions and I bought besiege. Besides that, no sale gotten me to spend money. Oh well, I'm still backlogged for the past 3 sales so I'm not worried.