Text Post: Shakespeare posted by Appaloosa
  • Appaloosa
    @NotWearingPants -

    Kids have an unbiased point of view, a perspective we laugh at and ignore at our peril.

  • NotWearingPants (edited 6 years ago)
    @Appaloosa -

    To a certain age, that I think gets younger all the time. I see kids as young as 6 or 7 with cell phones. As soon as they get on social media, they have to "fit in" with the crowd and that warps their perspective.

    That used to not happen until puberty. Of course that's happening earlier than it did when I grew up. (No chance it has anything to do with the hormones we feed farm animals). My wife works childcare. She sees 5-year olds are telling the 3s and 4s that Santa, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy are really parents.

    Childhood innocence just doesn't last as long.

    • Appaloosa
      @NotWearingPants -

      So true, and I don't know if innocence lost is wisdom gained.