  • caelreth

    Hey, when I find something interesting, I give it my all.

    Actually, the fact that the community has been so welcoming and engaging has encouraged me to be more active. I mean, I used to be able to browse reddit for hours, but I never really commented or got involved, for the most part. That has changed here, I would like to think for the better. :)

    • sushmonster

      Totally agree about the community! I've been here a week and I recognize so many frequent users! Never got that on reddit. Snapzu really makes me want to contribute! They have a well-functioning community going on here and I'm glad to be a part of it! :)

      • caelreth

        I couldn't agree more! And, what's more, the admin actually listens and responds to inquiries and concerns.

    • [Deleted Profile]

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