  • Rothulfossil (edited 9 years ago)

    Odd, it definitely exists. Shows me as the only member, though. I'll definitely add you to the moderators!

    Edit: Wait, were you talking about /t/ReptilePics?

    • YourTaxGuy

      Haha, yes, I was talking about /t/ReptilePics, which doesn't exist yet. That limit of 4 tribes per person (for low level users) is starting to get a bit annoying, no?

      • Rothulfossil

        Haha, ReptilePics was kind of a joke idea. I actually really like the 4 tribes per person limit. You have to really consider which interests you have a passion for and want to lead. I'm considering making /t/WeatherPics myself, but I'll wait and consider it a little longer.

        When building this network, we're gonna have to keep this in mind. On Reddit, the network was headed up by one person, which gives them way too much power. Here, individuals can start up a HiResPics tribe and from there, we can form a larger union.