  • Guilhem

    Why would you do that ? Wait for a Steamsales it's 5€ for the game + all dlc/xpack.

    To answer your question, no if you have civ iv BTS.

    • spoderman


      • Guilhem

        God you answer fast, I'm on mobile without an app I can't keep up.

        • spoderman

          I have special powers.

        • spoderman
          @spoderman -


        • spoderman
          @spoderman -


        • spoderman
          @spoderman -


        • spoderman

          Wait ... mobile? Is there a Snapzu App?

        • Guilhem
          @spoderman -

          No and as a WP user I should get used to my browser.

        • Guilhem
          @spoderman -

          Somebody wanted her level 9 pretty badly.

        • spoderman
          @Guilhem -

          What is WP?

        • Guilhem
          @spoderman -

          Sorry, Windows Phone. You know the 1/2% with a Nokia Lumia ? It's us !