  • Moderator

    For me, the idea of taking notes and reflecting on passages is to get the most out of a book. Sometimes I finish a book and don't walk away with too much — I'd like to really chew and digest every bit of it. I guess it's the whole idea of 'active reading'.

    • alapseofsanity

      Yeah it's certainly not a bad idea. I think personally it just makes me think too much of writing a paper in high school so it doesn't sound like an appealing way to read. I do however really like the idea of coming together and discussing books after we read them. Maybe we could use this tribe as a sort of make-shift book club?

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    • caelreth

      See, I feel like if I'm stopping to make notes that much, I'm not really enjoying the book so much as studying it. Though, I guess I could always re-read and take notes then, especially on the new things I pick up on.

      • Moderator

        Yeah, I wouldn't want to sacrifice my enjoyment of the book. I'd just jot down little notes as I read and perhaps backtrack later to reflect.