  • DunktheTall

    Honestly, as close to r/asoiaf as you can get. It would make the transition easier and would boost member numbers.

    • nik

      That's what I was thinking. I want people migrating over from r/asoiaf to feel just as comfortable.

      • DunktheTall

        Well if you need any help, let me know. I dont really have any suggestions, but your welcome to bounce ideas off of me!

    • ClassyCritic

      I think the discussion on r/asoiaf is pretty great. However, it has lately become filled with memes and comments with the sole goal of gaining karma. If we could focus on discussion and analysis, I think this sub could be great. I haven't put much thought into this idea, but maybe a weekly thread with a topic for discussion could draw some attention.

      • nik

        Thank you for the suggestion!

        Would you care to expand on the idea for a weekly thread? Do you mean that it follows a similar theme every week?

        • ClassyCritic

          My idea would be a full spoilers thread with one point of discussion for the week. An example topic would be "What do you think Littlefinger's plan is next?", with the users commenting their theories, ideas, and evidence from the books.

    • fiver (edited 8 years ago)

      I disagree; I think r/asoiaf has deteriorated severely. It's impossible to have an actual discussion over there nowadays; it's all memes (catchphrases, whatever) or people trying to out-do each other with ridiculous "theories".

      I'd rather moderation took a heavier hand in that aspect; cut down on the same old tired posts in the vein of:


      * "And moonboy for all I know!!"

      * "Benjen=Daario=Euron!"

      * "Get your tinfoils ready everyone, I just read Homer and I know where ASOIAF is going!"