  • mithrandir

    Yeah, that looks amazing. But I think the banner has to be slimmer than that. Perhaps just the top part?

    • imakestuffgood

      I like that banner, c'mon level 6!

      • nik

        So I was looking at /t/news, and they've got 689 members and they're only level 5. Somehow they have a custom banner, so this level 6 rule must be brand new.

        • Splitfish (edited 8 years ago)

          Hold on a second. It means Chief (user) level 6, not tribe level 6. It really does sound confusing and I'll message the admins and get them to fix the wording. The whole point of it is so that users have SOME experience on here before making more advanced settings changes to their tribes. BTW You are already level 3 and it doesn't take much to reach level 6. (Maybe like 10-20 posts).

          • nik

            Ah, okay, thank you for that clarification! I'll try my hardest to level up as fast as I possibly can. I personally have been stuck at level 3 for the past few days now. I'll just be more active.