  • archmagician (edited 7 years ago)

    Happened to me too. I think 4 or so posts disappeared (12 down to 8 maybe). My thing also says I have three saved snaps but when I look, there is nothing there. I noticed the post drop when I went up a level recently. Also my achievement thing says reached 10/10 posts but my present counter says 9/25.

    • drunkenninja

      We had a corrupted DB issue that we since then fixed. If you lost a recent post it may have been due to that. We are looking into our daily backups to see if we retrieve the post, however no guarantees at this point. We are looking to see if we can make the process more effective in rare situations such as these. Our apologies to anyone who lost a post, comment or snap during this incident.

      • archmagician

        No worries, it's not a concern. I saw the post so thought I'd add my feedback :)

    • kxh

      That's odd. Your posts have disappeared.

      • archmagician

        Yeah, I wondered if the thread was deleted or something. I can't really remember what thread the posts were in.