  • bogdan (edited 8 years ago)

    Not getting in the way of others. It's honestly been the only thing I've ever done in my life consistently - I stayed out of other people's way. Tried really hard to get a job because I didn't want to rely on my parents. I hate depending on anyone.

    I need to mention - I was not aware that I was actively doing this until a few years ago. I feel like I really got to know who I am and accept the way I act in certain situations. I won't be changing any time soon.

    • spaceghoti

      That sounds more like avoiding trouble than anything else.

      • bogdan

        I'd trade my life away without too much thought if I could walk the earth as a ghost, observing people without having them notice i'm there. I'd gladly take a beating if I deserve it.

        I don't know if not getting in the way of others implies that I'm avoiding trouble or not, but it is definitely not self-protection I'm after.

        • spaceghoti

          Whether you're avoiding trouble for yourself or others, you're essentially trying to avoid trouble. If that's how you want to live your life I'm certainly not going to judge.