  • IridescentOak

    Well, more people are always nice, but you saw what happened with the reddit refugee thing a while back; bunches of one-login users flooded the site, a lot of them bringing along reddit-quality content. Which, I don't mean to knock reddit since I still use the gaming subs on it, but you have to admit that there's a clear difference in tiers of content between the two sites.

    But while I love our tight-knit community, I really do wish we had more good users, too. I do my part by introducing my IRL friends to Snapzu, though I've found that very few are interested enough to make an account. (That may just be my specific friend group, though. :p) So I say the more the merrier, but we need to have some sort of method to it beyond linking the site while redditors are angry and rebelling. The invite codes are a good first step, imo.

    • spaceghoti

      I don't think the OP really objects to reddit style content or behavior, so long as the admins don't inconvenience him.

      • IridescentOak

        I don't think the OP really objects to reddit style content or behavior

        Sorry if it seemed like I was implying that OP dislikes it, as that was not my intention. I'm just putting my personal opinion here, since I am a fan of Snapzu's unique feel with its content and userbase.