  • VoyagerXyX

    I think just continuing to provide a friendly atmosphere and good conversation are the most us average memebers can do to keep things the way they are. It's hard to see into the future of Snapzu but if everyone treats others how they'd like to be treated, not much could go wrong in the forseeable future and I think we're doing a great job of that thus far.

    • OnlySlightly (edited 8 years ago)

      This is what horrifies me. I really want to keep snapzu a friendly place. But I feel as a community grows bigger it gets harder and harder to keep the hate out. Even if it's limited to a small group, that group is usually the loudest. I know I might be getting into 'back in my day' mode but I joined reddit 7 years ago and it was generally a pretty friendly place. And although I think it is still generally friendly it's hard not to see mob mentalities and vitriolic hatred pop up from time to time. I wish there carrots for friendliness or sticks for abusive behavior.

      • spaceghoti

        It's here. There's really no way to keep it out, but the admins express confidence that their exp system will keep the worst of it in check. For the rest, it will be up to us to set the example and maintain the positive atmosphere that sets Snapzu apart.

      • davidrools

        I hope the trend I think I'm seeing continues, and that is that there's sort of a self-selection bias going on among the reddit alternatives. FPH fanatics are heading toward Voat, which undeniably markets itself as uncensored.

        Snapzu and its users need to make it clear that this is the place for polite discussion. The "Canada of the Internet" as I'm calling it. The rude are welcome, but only if they're on their best behavior. If the trolls begin to starve, they'll go elsewhere - so don't feed them. Respond to asinine comments with respect and logic (or nothing at all). Idiots will get bored and move along.

        • Csellite

          I highly agree! I am feeling a shift in the atmosphere in the past day or two and I'm a little worried but kindness breeds kindness just like hate breeds hate. I have been continuing to enjoy myself and respectfully share my thoughts. Glad that everyone seems to share the same opinion!