  • trendkill

    I have nothing against musicals, myself. I will watch RENT and cry almost any day. But RHPS is just... Dumb! It's not funny, it doesn't have good songs, and it's not even in "so bad it's good" territory! I just don't get the appeal.

    Maybe if I were to go to a midnight showing with the audience participation and everything, I would get sucked in to the fervor, but I just don't see myself actually doing that.

    • canuck

      Speaking of musicals......
      A couple years back I decided to pick a random "hockey" movie out of a pool of about 5-6 other movies. Ended up drawing Score, of course I didn't know it was a musical so I went ahead and started watching it. The goal was to watch whatever movie to the end. I was not impressed!

      • trendkill

        ... A hockey musical? That's a thing?!

      • canuck
        @trendkill -

        To my surprise, yes, sadly its a thing.