  • fizzl

    Just last week, I was working at my house. I had drank couple of beers. I have some demolition scraps next to my shed. I also had a huge pile of twigs and stuff of that nature in my lower yard. Leftovers from felling trees last autumn. I decided to burn the pile of twigs. To burn relatively young twigs you need a good fire going on first, so I took some of the demolition scrap with me as a starter.

    The bank to the lower yard was overgrown with some hay and other plants. I took my scythe with me to whack them down. So, dragging a bunch of old wood paneling with nails sticking to every which direction, wielding my scythe in other hand, I decide to walk down the really steep to the lower yard. It had recently rained, so the bank was really muddy and slippery.

    Miraculously, I got down without slipping I piled the dry tinder on the side of the almost 3 meter tall pile of twigs and lit it with some starter fluid. It roared to like 5 meter high flames in no time. I took my scythe and cut down some underbrush around the fire to prevent a forest fire. After I was happy with my work, I started climbing back up again.

    I was almost up when I slipped! Damn, hit my knee on a rock! I sat there for a minute cursing my bad luck.

    ...before realizing there were SO MANY WAYS ALL OF THIS COULD HAVE GONE WORSE THAN THAT!

    I have no idea how I avoid the Darwin award year after year.

    (Sorry about the shaggy dog story ;))