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  • 8 years ago
    Level Up stareyedgirl

    Level 5

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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement stareyedgirl

    Rock Star

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    +1335 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    1) Expensive.

    2) Not particularly useful, helpful, or necessary.

    You can have one and be fine. You cannot have both.

  • 8 years ago
    Achievement stareyedgirl

    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations stareyedgirl on this achievement!

    +1335 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I think we have to be careful not to vilify all gun owners and people who like guns themselves. There's a difference between being a gun enthusiast who really enjoys collecting and learning about them and someone who genuinely wants to shoot someone.

    Literally every gun owner I know is a responsible normal adult human who has gone their whole life never pointing any of their guns at another human nor do they fantasize about doing so. If you have friends that fantasize about killing 'an intruder' with their gun, you might look into getting new friends who aren't douche nozzles, because that person sounds like a dick.

    Most of the gun owners I know grew up having guns as protection against wildlife like cougars, bobcats, and wolves (I grew up in the boondocks), and it's not something that they would ever think of using against another person.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    Forget meth heads, if you're far enough away from town, you get a gun to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from cougars and wolves. At least that's why my family had a gun. It's 2am, the horse is freaking because there's a bobcat in the pasture with him, you're going to want a shotgun.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    This was all I could find, and that site doesn't look all that reliable to me.

    It seems like rumor at this point, but the fact that there's anyone out there doing this and his buddies have circled the wagons and talking about it would be career suicide is really sucky.

  • 8 years ago
    Level Up stareyedgirl

    Level 4

    stareyedgirl is now level 4 with 6,125 XP.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I agree, but that's actually part of the draw for me. It's something my husband and I can do together. Other systems don't have a lot of games with local multiplayer. So I can sit and watch while he plays Skyrim. Or he can sit and watch while I play Assassin's Creed...

    Diablo III has it, I think, but we already played it on our computers, so...

    Another strike against it, is that to make a really great Wii-U game, it almost has to be designed specifically for the Wii-U. I'm bummed that more people didn't develop for it, but I also understand why they didn't. It costs so much money to develop, it's game suicide to develop for only one niche system, so they develop universally for all the systems. This means that the game is only OK on the Wii-U, and it's also on every other system, so why would you even need a Wii-U in the first place? The only thing that kept them afloat at all is their exclusive titles.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I was at a brew pub in a small town in Wisconsin earlier and I heard a shout go up from a bunch of people watching something on the TVs by the bar. I remember thinking it was strange, because it's not football season.

    On the way out, I realized it was the women's soccer game. It was a jarring moment, but in a nice way.

  • 8 years ago
    Related Link stareyedgirl

    Now You Can Turn Your Photos Into Computerized Nightmares With 'Deep Dream'

    stareyedgirl added 1 related link(s)

    There are a total of 2 items in the related links
  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    To speak, maybe but this says it's for proficiency in both speaking and reading and so I assume that means that you would have to be proficient with reading the characters as well as speaking well enough? I don't know enough about Japanese to know if characters are used in all situations, though...

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    But this was for proficiency in both speaking and reading. I imagine the reading bit would be quite a bit more difficult than the average language because it's not enough to know the pronunciation to read it, you have to know the character for it as well.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    One of the links says that his friends tried to dissuade him, but he did it anyway.

    His brother thinks he was joking about doing it, but then moved his head the wrong direction and accidentally lit it.

  • 8 years ago
    Achievement stareyedgirl

    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations stareyedgirl on this achievement!

    +1320 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    One of the links above has his brother saying that there was no helping him, so I would assume it was not just the concussive force.

    There was no Devon left when I got there

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    This is why every conversation about illegal immigration in this country is doomed to failure. The elephant in the room is that when you stick a wealthy nation full of privilege next to a much poorer nation with many fewer opportunities for its citizens, the ones from the poor side of the line are always going to want to be on the not-poor side of the line.

    Why on Earth wouldn't they?

    So it has always seemed incredibly tone deaf to me to decry and vilify people wanting to come here and make a better life for their families. If the roles were reversed, there would be plenty of people on our side trying to do the same. Of course they want what we have. Honestly, we didn't do anything special to get what we have. We were just born on the fortunate side of an invisible arbitrary line between two pieces of land.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    Wikipedia page for Bread and Circuses

    From the article:

    In the case of politics, the phrase is used to describe the generation of public approval, not through exemplary or excellent public service or public policy, but through diversion; distraction; or the mere satisfaction of the immediate, shallow requirements of a populace,[1] as an offered "palliative." Its originator, Juvenal, used the phrase to decry the selfishness of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.[2][3][4] The phrase also implies the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the commoner.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    That's the first thing I thought as well. It would be hard to come from those countries and not have a better life here. What is so difficult to believe about that?

    And honestly, it is incredibly hard for anyone to do so legally. There are some really interesting stories about Afghani people who helped American soldiers against the taliban at great personal cost, but even they can't even get into the country legally to keep themselves and their families from being killed in retaliation.

    When it comes to protecting your family and making a better life for themselves, people are willing to do some crazy stuff - in the grand scope of things, illegally entering a wealthy nation in search of a better life isn't even that crazy of a thing to do. Considering how wealthy America is compared to many other countries, it's much more likely that people entering this country illegally want to become one of us, not kill us.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    My big cat does the same thing.

    Doorbell? OMG, run awaaaaay!

    House-shaking fireworks finale? Ugh. I'm napping, here! Damn kids. [back to sleep]

  • 8 years ago
    Level Up stareyedgirl

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  • 8 years ago
    Achievement stareyedgirl

    Red Eye Jedi

    Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations stareyedgirl on this achievement!

    +1320 XP
  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I have cats. Their entire reaction - even to the enormous fireworks extravaganza that happened in the park just down the road - was annoyance, like "Hey assholes, do you mind? I'm trying to take a nap."

    If they were a people, they would totally call the cops and bitch.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I think that this petition was started during fph-gate, and people are just signing it now. And there are still a lot of people posting on reddit about how mad they are at reddit. I don't think it's done for yet, if only because no site can accommodate the onslaught of new users. And reddit is in a lot of people's muscle memory. Open browser, go to reddit.... oh yeah... What's the name of that new thing I just joined?

  • 8 years ago
    Comment stareyedgirl

    I agree completely. I mentioned in another thread that one of the reasons I joined reddit was because of the askreddit community. It was so neat hearing opinions and experiences from people all over the world.

    It's funny the degrees of hate, because 4chan used to be down on reddit for being so touchy feely goody goody. But there is a segment of reddit that's just as bad as /b/ ever was. I don't know what the solution to that is other than to leave them to it and move somewhere where the red pillers hopefully won't follow...