• leweb

    It is painful how obvious it is that we're killing our grandchildren to make money, and how blind and stupid the people who can do something about it are. We won't even have the satisfaction of history painting them as the idiotic, greedy villains they are, because there will be nobody left to learn about it.

    I wish I could grab every person in this world who still thinks that the best economic model is for everyone to worry only about their own interest, and shake them until they wake up. But they won't, will they? They'll just kill us all and go happy to their golden, money-laced graves.

    • RoamingGnome

      That is correct. People who live one quarterly earnings statement at a time don't tend to think beyond 3 months out.


        Both of you are too-too

        funny. LOL

        • AdelleChattre

          So brave. Whistling past the graveyard, as you do.

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            What's "brave " got to do with it?

            • AdelleChattre

              It'll be funnier when you work it out for yourself. B^}

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
              @AdelleChattre -

              Almost as funny/sad as y'all's relentless collective whining.
