• Appaloosa

    This is a well written piece, and a bit scary.

    • sashinator

      Scary? Oh - cuz of the less transparency thing. Yeah, that doesn't bother me so much.

      I thought it put more humanity in what seems to be very formulaic behavior. But, ultimately, even in presidential candidate's case - all behavior is underpinned by same human weaknesses we all have (like insecurity, lack of self-confidence, fear of ridicule). All those things which make us frail and allows others to relate to us and sympathize with us. It helps me empathize with her.

      I'm not sure if that makes her a better candidate or not but it makes her a more relate-able human being (as opposed to a public persona - whom many people seem to viscerally hate)

      • Appaloosa

        Scary because of the putting of a human face on a monster, a power mongering kur like the rest of them. You really think any other candidate hasn't experienced the same humanity? It's a puff piece.

        • sashinator

          Mhm-k. I thought you said it was a good read?

          • Appaloosa (edited 7 years ago)

            I thought it was really well constructed and thought out. As you said, it humanized a candidate. It could have been any of them,

    • leweb

      Indeed. It shows how much our narcissistic society, especially those who use Puritanism as a weapon, can destroy pretty much anyone.

      I have to say, though, that it will be hard to run the least transparent administration ever, given what we've been having lately.