• Appaloosa (edited 6 years ago)

    Nope. Gangs do kill people, mostly each other and guns help them do that, so guns are part of the problem. And they do skew stats, but we are still far, far below where other advanced societies are. So culture and society play a part, including what is laudable and what is not. Guns are a symptom. Switzerland as an example is a gun society that acts responsibly.


    Pretty sad statistics.

    By the way...who exactly are you quoting?

    EDIT: want clarification for your quote...or did you just make it up.

    "guns don't kill people, gang violence kills people... with guns, yes, but guns are not to blame; gangs are; so we need more guns in hands of non-gang members who will then exterminate gangs - gangs which, mind you, will not arm themselves while being exterminated - and, thus, end gang violence and the cause of all these non-gun-but-gang-related deaths"?

    • AdelleChattre

      Sashinator's paraphrase comes from a Mr. Straw D. Man, of Peoria, Illinois.