• jcscher

    You could make a snap,then add a gallery or image module and comment on each one as you post them. Comments could be put in the captions for each photo in a gallery.

    • Caio (edited 9 years ago)

      You could also add a gallery to your snap and configure it so that everyone can add images, only problem is that you need to fill the gallery with at least 5 images before you can publish the snap with it, I don't know if it's possible to delete those images after ttubravesrock added their pictures to the gallery.

      • jcscher

        Opps forgot about that feature'

        • Caio

          Oh, and you didn't even have to add any images. Pretty handy.

          • jcscher

            Thanks for reminding me!

      • ttubravesrock

        that sounds like a lot of effort and since I'm on the clock at work, I probably shouldn't take the time to do either of those options now. If I get more photos and time and there is still interest, I could.

        • jcscher

          Going to add the image module now,you can add some pics later when you have time. I am very interested in seeing them!