• SteveRoy

    This was a topic once brought up by someone who doesn't know anything about programing. Elon Musk addressed it like an engineer. Effectively saying that if the car is ever in a situation where this question matters, the AI has already totally failed and likely has no control over anything that would matter.

    This is an interesting thought experiment: "Say the car is spinning out of control, and on course to hit a crowd queuing at a bus stop. It can correct its course, but in doing so, it'll kill a cyclist for sure. What does it do?" If it's spinning out of control then there is no longer any control. It cannot correct itself. If it had control, the spin never would have gotten started.

    This is a decision by the marketing team, not then AI development team. I guarantee you they are more worried about how to tell if the center berm in a dirt road with two well worn tire tracks is too high or not.