• CrookedTale

    Imagine how much rum I could store in my brain if it was more spongy! I think I know what pill you are talking about but I cant remember the name (no joke intended). But it dealt with the brains "elasticity" which is reduced through age. It essentially causes a chemical (not sure off hand ??) change that returns the elasticity to that of a child. I will have to look it up again because I think there were stories on it 5 years ago.

    • drunkenninja

      Hah, elasticity... that's what I meant to say, yet used "sponginess" instead!

      Definitely good to have a 2nd look and see if the technology has progressed any further.

      • CrookedTale

        I totaly understood what you meant by sponginess though. So my brain somehow knows some sort of relation between spongy and elasticity. Not sure if thats good or bad though.

      • Gozzin

        Yeah,I can remember how easy it was to learn things as a kid and how time seemed to be slow as molasses. I want that back.

        • drunkenninja (edited 7 years ago)

          Yeah, I guess at 6 years old having only experienced so little time the days felt so much longer and summers felt endless ! Ohh, those were the days, when the summers were long and the only responsibility was to wash up before bed!