• AdelleChattre

    Mind you, this is from someone that treats felonious press releases from Operation Rescue as inviolable truth.


      Nuttin wrong with a good baby dissection and parts sale is there?

      • AdelleChattre

        Which you knowingly helped fake.


          I post em as I see em, as do you.

          • AdelleChattre

            Not exactly. To me, the truth is better than a lie.

          • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
            @AdelleChattre -

            "To me, the truth is better than a lie" Let's see.

            Lie #1 "Operation rescue", nope

            Lie #2 "Which you knowingly helped fake." LOL,

            Lie #3 "To me, the truth is better than a lie", here's your crown.

            3comments, 3 lies. It's a pathology.

          • AdelleChattre
            @MAGISTERLUDI -

            Do let me know when you stop reworking this comment. It's getting tedious watching you edit in final form. Especially after you quit claiming that, despite every investigation having shown otherwise, these bogus allegations were real simply because you willed them to be real. Felony indictments against your fellow fraudsters notwithstanding, as far as you're concerned, any more than basic science, the sphericity of the Earth, or how fake the photo was you slapped on your fake charges against Planned Parenthood. I used to think there was nothing more pathetic than a miserable right-to--lifer accosting people outside clinics. Now, I'm not entirely sure. There's you, picking out your gory fake photo, eager to really stick this latest fraud.

          • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
            @AdelleChattre -

            How's that lie thing workin for ya?

            Have a good day.