• leweb

    I was raised Catholic, and still am culturally Catholic, in the sense that I enjoy celebrating Christmas and Easter, but as family events, not religious events. I don't see a contradiction between being an atheist and enjoying Christmas. If people had to observe festivities for the reasons they were originally created, they might be surprised.

    • AdelleChattre (edited 7 years ago)

      Christmas itself is an umpteenth rebranding of far more ancient, deeply held observances. Of which Saturnalia was not the least important. How Abrahamic it is to not only appropriate cultural touchstones like holidays, but to annihilate the civilizations and cultures they were taken from. As a secular humanist antitheist myself, I’ve gotta tell you I enjoy a good Winter Solstice and gift-giving season as much as anyone. It’s got nothing to do with however many God botherers, either. Have a super Saturnalia!