• Nutikaspu

    I don't get all this "post pictures so we can know what you're eating and share your location so we can know where you are" thing that people share on Facebook. I have Facebook, but I don't use it and I'm 16, which means that your instantly not cool and that saddens me.What saddens me is not that I'm not cool(I don't want to be), but that if someone does not have Facebook they're all of a sudden different, just because because they would rather not share their personal life with everyone. Privacy is something that has gotten way out of hands. I get to know your name and...."oh I see you have a dog, and your in a relationship, oh and you work there and you live there..." and so on, This thought really creeps me out, and that's why I'm trying to limit the info I share to strangers as much as possible.

    And now Facebook is trying to limit your privacy even more? - like it wasn't bad enough already!

    • RoamingGnome

      I think many cool people don't realize they are cool. Just sayin'...

    • AdelleChattre

      So encouraging to hear of people deeply suspicious of FaceCrook.

    • OL44893

      Agreed. I have it too but I don't use it as intended. I use it see events in my area and have maybe 8 friends (loner I am) that I actually see. But we might share a local event in town to organize going to together. No profile filled out. No location. No nothing really. I'd rather see and talk to my local friends and Skype those across the globe. But... I've always been an intensely private person.

      As a side note, I got really tickled once at facebook's "suggestions" for me. Boy did their algorithm get it wrong. And don't get me started on instagram-ing my life either. Nope. Nada. Never.