• Nateilus

    Well, the title of this article is obviously click-bait however, they do have some good points. Eric undoubtedly has his finger on the pulse of this sector of the market and seems to have some vision. I own the OG pebble and a moto 360 and have worn them in that order. Having moved from the pebble, there are some things that the other smartwatch manufacturers need to catch up on. If smartwatches are going to reach the level where we can't live without them we need some things to change. The screen needs to stay on all day and the pebble has the edge here with the e-ink/e-paper display, battery life to support a screen being on all day, and easier pairing. I deal with lots of technology every day and sometimes these watches just refuse to connect via Bluetooth. I don't have this issue with any of my other Bluetooth devices and I get frustrated then the average consumer is going to return it and never look back. But I do love these smartwatches and I can't wait to see where the go over the next few years.