
Appaloosa 50

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." - Mark Twain

50 99.5% 3,759 4,175 105,355 77
Gozzin 50

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50 99.5% 1,785 10,098 36,516 67
50 99.5% 5,604 2,942 66,324 91
50 99.5% 4,324 1,520 24,132 77
50 99.5% 6,199 569 100,286 74
46 99.6% 2,868 617 18,343 72
37 99.3% 841 391 11,209 61
31 97.9% 182 68 7,600 37
29 93.8% 448 345 3,278 51
26 92.1% 431 86 1,893 41
24 86.9% 79 489 2,868 36
20 87.6% 120 60 958 30
3 66.3% 2 6 30 1