• cjrobe

    French press definitely takes more than 3 minutes from boiling the water to cleanup. Also, you either have to use a plastic French press or worry about breaking glass in morning (RIP my old French press) and there's no guarantee of a consistent cup of coffee. A refillable K-cup is a very small price for mother earth - it'd take 30 seconds at most to refill a cup and stick in the machine. Then you have slightly less crappy coffee than a K-cup, convenience, and mother earth is happy.

    In my experience, the quickest good cup of coffee is Aeropress. It's similar to a French press in some ways, but the coffee brews a much shorter time thanks to the added pressure. I've found I can brew a cup in about 2-3 minutes from grind to finished brew and cleanup. Cleanup is easier than French press because of the multiple parts, just rinse each with water and place on a drying towel. Its design also allows for thicker plastic pieces than a plastic French press and there almost no cases of it cracking (like plastic French presses tend to do).

    • drunkenninja

      What I meant by 3 minutes is the actual work/engagement that goes into it. But yeah, total time from grinding to finished cup and cleanup is definitely not 3 minutes.

      BTW - I was being sarcastic with the above comment, I really need to put /sarcasm tags on those. I keep forgetting!