• spaceghoti

    On the one hand, that's an extremely light sentence for participating in crimes against humanity. On the other hand, he's 94 years old. Is he likely to survive that long in prison?

    • frohawk (edited 8 years ago)

      Really. There's not much that can be done that isn't more than a slap on the wrist without killing the guy or foisting him off on a community that doesn't deserve an unrepentant person on their hands.

      • fanficmistress (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah it is really a hard thing to decide. He has gotten to live his life while many others did not. However, he is 95 how mean can you be to someone that may or may not know where they are at any particular moment. Either way he will most likely die in prison.

    • ThermalShock

      And exactly what crimes crimes against humanity did he commit? This is like holding all military service members in Guantanamo bay responsible for the torture of it's detainees.

      • spaceghoti


        “This is a point that must be made clearly,” the judge said. To join the SS and take “a safe desk job” at Auschwitz “was your decision.” He added, “It was perhaps affected by the era, but it was not because you were unfree.”

        The soldiers at Guantanamo Bay are responsible for their participation in crimes against humanity. It's a stain on the entire nation not only that this was allowed to happen, but that we've allowed it to go unpunished and actively prevented other nations from pursuing justice.

        • ThermalShock

          The soldiers at Guantanamo Bay are responsible for their participation in crimes against humanity. It's a stain on the entire nation not only that this was allowed to happen, but that we've allowed it to go unpunished and actively prevented other nations from pursuing justice.

          You do realize that this would involve prosecuting thousands of military service members that were connected to the camp. It's exactly why we didn't prosecute the hundreds of thousands of Nazi era service personnel that were connected to the mass killings, widespread slave labor, mass deportation and other crimes against humanity. It'd be a waste of time and resources to hold trials for all of them. That's why Gröning was never tried until now. Post-war he one of hundreds of thousands of people connected. Now he's just one out of a handful left.

          • spaceghoti

            I find that a sad excuse for not prosecuting torture and genocide. It's a sad commentary on our society that we don't pursue justice at all because no one thought to question the morality of the action, let alone challenge it.

            • ThermalShock

              You're talking to the masses rather than addressing my points.

              What good comes from expending the resources on putting thousands on trial, no matter how tenuous their connection to the crime may be?

            • spaceghoti
              @ThermalShock -

              What good? By holding people accountable we demonstrate what will or will not be tolerated in our society. The more trouble it causes the more it reinforces the notion that such behavior should be shut down before it gets to the point where we're required to prosecute.

              We may not get to everyone who needs to be prosecuted. But the fact that we're still doing it reinforces the fact that it will not be tolerated. And that's what separates Germany and the rest of Europe from the US. It's why people like Dick Cheney don't dare travel abroad. Such people should be afraid of the consequences of their actions.

            • ThermalShock
              @spaceghoti -

              How close does their connection to it have to be? Are the guards posted to the watchtower responsible? How about the mess cook? Filing clerks that only handle paper? On site contractors such as electricians? You seem to be advocating that all of them be charged for the same crimes.

            • spaceghoti (edited 8 years ago)
              @ThermalShock -

              No, I think their sentences should fit their crimes. Someone ordering or committing atrocities should be sentenced differently from someone who just pushed paper. But everyone who was involved and knew what was happening should be held accountable to the degree that they were involved. I again refer you back to the judge's comment.