• CrookedTale

    I have heard the argument that "Ee Gads! Men and Boys are being emasculated!" before and I always wondered who came up with that crap. I know a bunch of people of the male persuasion, from bikers to doctors and CEO's to restaurant workers, many different ages and life choices, and I do not see how men being emasculated is actually a thing. It seems to me its akin to fighting a dragon made of smoke, you yell charge and swing your sabre at it only to hit nothing because it really isn't there. Then your wife pats you on the back and tells you to calm down and lay off the rum because you have just attacked the Weber grill and there is no way in hell the local church is going to invite you to another Memorial Day bar'b'que. In retrospect I do believe the Pastor had it in for me when I screamed "Hail Poseidon!" after the lunch prayer. So anyways at least I got that going for me.