• Yamadori (edited 7 years ago)

    What else is there to do except speak up? My biggest political issue is the mitigation of climate change. The science is established, the risks are known. Reality has an interesting quality: its the only thing that remains when you stop believing in it.

    So now, I look at my options. I can sit on my hands and let the conservative wave continue unchecked, or I can stand up and attempt to do something about it.
    When you are talking about a problem that truly grows exponentially, there is no time like the present for taking action. And climate change does exhibit exponential properties due to feedback loops, and most importantly because it is a symptom of our exponentially-growing society.

    Action today is worth much more than the same action 4 years from now, so no, I will not sit idly and remain quiet.

    • AdelleChattre

      At least this way the adversary’s obvious. This president elect means to complete the Keystone XL pipeline, the other potential president elect spearheaded it when State was the lead agency in hatching that sulfurous scheme. This one doesn’t believe in climate science, the other one didn’t care. This one’s energy policy’s is openly what the other one’s was on the down low. You couldn’t get a better opponent around climate from Central Casting. Cry havoc!

    • ttubravesrock

      start pushing for Elizabeth Warren in 2020 now.


      If it's something you believe in, then don't " sit idly and remain quiet"

      Entirely one's prerogative.