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Published 8 years ago by the7egend with 13 Comments

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  • Roundcat

    "She plans to focus on making desserts for Phoenix-area restaurants and online instructional cooking videos."

    Like I need instruction on how to buy frozen ravioli.

    • DesiDrifter395

      I didn't read the article or watch the videos, but as soon as you said frozen ravioli I knew EXACTLY who you were talking about.

    • sturle

      Their money came from drug dealing, the eatery was just a front.

  • Autumnal

    They're just so mean, I don't get it. Why would you just be mean to people you don't know, and are in fact trying to sell food to?

    • drunkenninja

      I've been following the drama ever since the episode aired and must say it's been a wild ride. I don't think they understand the basics of human decency, and they paid for it with their reputation.

      • ObiWanShinobi

        Oh yes, I remember when the episode first aired, and I just couldn't believe this pair was for real.

      • Dattix

        I haven't actually watched the episode but have more than heard about the place's notoriety. Maybe if this was 50 years ago they could have gotten away with it for longer, but in a day and age loaded to the gills with social media that can pass along bad word of mouth in minutes, it's a death sentence.

        Also, humans are inherently negative, particularly in regards to eateries: if someone likes your restaurant, they'll tell 2 or 3 real friends about it. If someone hates your restaurant, they'll tell all 700 of their Facbook/Twitter/Google+ followers not to go there AND post a bad review of the place, which is extremely hard to counterbalance.

    • the7egend

      I remember watching the episode and thinking to myself that no matter how good that place got or how good her baking was, I would never step foot in that place. It's a shame really.

    • Fooferhill

      And why would you be so mean and air it on TV?

  • Jupiter7

    Hah! You can only live off of drama and controversy for so long!

  • BlewGaming

    Title is a bit confusing. Makes it sound like the owners of "Kitchen Nightmares" are closing their restaurant.

  • nauthas (edited 8 years ago)

    I never understand kitchen nightmares. What do these narcissists think? That Ramsey's going to come along and go "Oh no this store bought food is perfect, I have no idea why you're failing". These people know that they aren't willing to change, so why do they even bother to ask? I've got to wonder how many of these kitchen nightmares, Ramsey comes and everyone is nice, and things get fixed up, but we never see that.

    Edit: I don't know how much more of this I can watch, it's boiling my blood.

  • blue2501

    Wasn't this restaurant just a front for money laundering?

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