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Published 11 years ago by teamsnapzu with 16 Comments

Release 4.2.0 - Bookmarklet, Related Snap Recommendations, Weekly Newsletter & Other Updates

We are excited to announce the new features along with all other updates and bug fixes. Please read this post to learn more.

  • Greetings everyone!

    The site is back up and version 4.2 is now live! We are excited to announce the new features along with all other updates and bug fixes. Let's start with the most important stuff.

  • Bookmarklet v1.0

    We finally got our bookmarklet option! A lot of you have requested it using the feedback and we're excited that it's finally here! Your shiny new bookmarklet can be found in the snap management area, and to start using it you will need to click on the button provided and follow the instructions on how to add it to your bookmark bar.

    For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept, a bookmarklet lets you share websites, articles, images and videos with the click of a button from your bookmarks bar. Once the “Snap it!” button is clicked, we connect to the page you are currently on and parse it grabbing all the vital information we can fetch and place it into a new snap for you. Once that's done (it usually takes just a few seconds), you can continue customizing until you're ready to publish it, or if you're in a hurry you can save it in drafts to publish later.

    Over the next month or so we will be improving the functionality based on your feedback, so please use the bug report / feedback option to let us know how it's going! You can locate the bug report feature by clicking the green bug icon to the right of our logo.

  • Weekly Newsletter

    Once a week we will send out a newsletter featuring the top snaps as submitted by the Snapzu community. It will also contain a list of the top users for that week, along with a statistical overview of your profile. The first edition of the newsletter will be sent out on Sunday of this week.

    If you're not interested in receiving the newsletter you can unsubscribe from it by going into the settings area of your profile and un-checking the check box provided.

  • Related Snap Recommendations

    A useful new exploration feature displaying relevant snaps is now available on the bottom of every snap. We find that it is a great way to stumble around and view great content from the past and present which may interest you. For those who are uninterested, an option to hide this feature is available just to the right which can disable and hide it (and remember your choice permanently).

  • Minor Updates / Fixes

    • Changed wording from “submissions” to “contributions” when describing the posting of user contributed items like related links, images in social galleries, list items in social lists, and so on.
    • Changed the wording for achievement progress from “levels” to trophy types. Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are now Ribbon, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond.
    • Updated the compare profiles page sorting for achievements. Both profiles now list achievements from highest level to lowest displayed side by side for easy comparison.
    • The snap type drop-down menu on the front page list now loads when clicked instead of on mouse over.
    • Quitting a tribe from the front page – tribe index page now confirms your decision to do so, to ensure that you don't accidentally lose your Tribe Mastery score.
    • Fixed an issue where in rare circumstances there were gaps on the front page grid area.
    • Fixed an issue where favicons would sometimes not load or load clear images showing up as blank files.
    • Added additional INFO Icons that explain the following items: Tribe Mastery, Custom Activity Feed, and Related Links.
    • Fixed a visual problem with the tribe claiming popover. The popover should now properly re-size depending on the resolution and size of the browser window.
    • Fixed a visual issue with front page 2x1 grid boxes. There was a 1 pixel wide line at the edge of certain images, this line has since been removed.
    • Added a heavily requested “unfollow” button visible at the top of the left member bar when viewing another profile.
    • The top user list area on each qualifying tribe now has follow buttons for all users within the list.
    • Fixed the sorting of user submitted links in the Related Links area of snaps. It will now show links by trending score and not top score, so that new submissions in older snaps can stand a chance to be noticed if there are other related links there.
    • Fixed a bug where cropping an image in the Snap Creation Process will not save the crop and instead show a spinning icon until the page is manually refreshed.
    • Fixed a bug where the front page would not load properly when viewing in another set of frames.
    • Lowered the text size of modules that are nested / embedded within the main text module. This applies to more advanced native/link snaps that have multiple text modules showing side by side within a snap.
    • Updated the quit/join tribe buttons within the Tribe Memberships overview page. The join button now appears as a green button, and we hope this will make it less confusing and easier to scan.
    • Snapzines tab is no longer displayed for accounts that do not have any pinups. The tab will however appear once the first pinup is made.
    • Fixed an issue with the markdown syntax where it was impossible to space paragraphs. Properly separating paragraphs using a double line break will now work.
    • Comments that have been edited now display a “edited X ago” text to the right of the user name.
    • Added a function that allows users to resend verification emails.
    • Fixed an issue in the 'compare profiles' section where the “Good Image” achievement was showing incorrect reputation if achievement was not yet reached.
    • Lowered the amount of days shown per page in Reputation History, we now show 14 days instead of 60 days.
    • Fixed an issue in Snap Display where the 'more comments' button did not work for logged out users.
    • Fixed an issue where users could create Tribe Posts in Tribes set to Blog Mode.
  • Server Migration & Deployment

    In addition to the new functionality, we have completed our migration to dedicated hosting. You should notice a significant speed increase when uploading and processing images, adding modules, and generally using bandwidth intensive tasks. The new servers are about 6 times more powerful so we hope this will allow us to handle more activity.

    Alright! That's about it.
    Thanks for reading and have a great day!

    // Team Snapzu


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  • nowsourcing

    great updates! going to try the bookmarklet today.

  • popper

    Lot's of good features, thanks for all your work, team snapzu!

  • jcscher

    Wow awesome changes,love the bookmarklet!

  • jcscher

    The site is much faster too!

    • MissyE

      The minor timeout issues I've been having before seem to be gone. I hope for good.

    • rawlings

      I notice a big difference in speed.

  • zritic

    Thanks TS site works great

  • Hubmaze

    I never used any bookmarklet before. It will be first time ever.

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