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  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by junglman
    +5 +1

    Trump initiated Putin after economic praise

    President Donald Trump said Friday that he spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday to thank him for comments he made about the President's efforts to grow the American economy. Trump, speaking with reporters at the White House before he left to address a graduation ceremony at the National FBI Academy, said the call was "great." He also once again denied any collusion between Trump's 2016 campaign and Russian operatives.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by zyery
    +20 +1

    Report: Mueller focusing on obstruction of justice around Flynn

    Robert Mueller and his team are focusing on the days after White House officials were told Michael Flynn was vulnerable to Russian blackmail, NBC News' Carol Lee and Julia Ainsley report, citing "two people familiar with Mueller's investigation". Why it matters: This means Mueller's team could be working to determine if Trump obstructed justice and is likely seeking out what President Trump knew about Flynn's conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, and subsequently, when Trump learned Flynn lied about them.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by junglman
    +8 +1

    In apparent shift, Trump tweets he fired Flynn for lying to FBI

    President Trump said Saturday he had to fire Michael Flynn as national security adviser because he lied to Vice President Pence and the FBI, an apparent shift from the reasons Trump stated at the time of Flynn's ouster. Trump’s changing rationale is a discrepancy that will catch the attention of prosecutors on Mueller’s team looking into whether the president tried to obstruct the investigation.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by bkool
    +3 +1

    Trump impeachment threat grows as obstruction of justice investigation deepens

    President Donald Trump may have convinced himself that the investigation into his campaign’s alleged links to Russia is winding down, but evidence suggests quite the opposite—and that it is inching ever closer to his door. Specifically, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible obstruction of justice is ratcheting up, according to reports.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by dynamite
    +19 +1

    Trump adviser claims he lied to FBI out of loyalty to Trump: Source

    George Papadopoulos, the Trump foreign policy aide who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, initially misled agents out of what he claimed was loyalty to President Donald Trump, according to a person with direct knowledge of the investigation. Trump had publicly denied that there had been any contact between his campaign and Russian officials, and Papadopoulos did not want to contradict the official line, the source said.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by TNY
    +10 +1

    US government report warns climate change is real

    The US government released Friday a major scientific report that says climate change is real, "extremely likely" to be caused by human activity, and affecting the daily lives of Americans. The findings of the federally mandated report are starkly at odds with the position of US President Donald Trump, who has labeled global warming a Chinese hoax and named fossil fuel ally Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by aj0690
    +14 +1

    The Latest: Russia says they see nothing amiss

    President Donald Trump is tweeting that the “biggest story” out of the charges announced Monday in the Russia investigation is the resignation of Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta from his eponymous firm. Podesta, the elder brother of former Hillary Clinton aide John Podesta, announced that he would step aside from powerhouse Democratic firm ‘The Podesta Group’ after coming under investigation by Robert Mueller.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by zobo
    +12 +1

    Ex-Trump Aide Admits He Tried to Coordinate With Russians During Campaign

    U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, tasked with pursuing collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, just planted the first stake. Prosecutors on Mueller’s team revealed Monday that a foreign policy adviser on Trump’s campaign, George Papadopoulos, pursued Russia’s help in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign and sought to open communication lines to the Kremlin.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by rawlings
    +32 +1

    Mueller is "going for the kill" on Trump-Russia probe, Republicans reportedly believe

    Republicans with close links to the White House increasingly believe that special counsel Robert Mueller is “going for the kill” in his investigation into links between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to a report from Axios Tuesday. Members of the GOP are said to have come to that stark conclusion based on Mueller’s hiring of lawyers experienced in dealing with money laundering crimes and the Mafia, as well as the intensity of his pursuit of both witnesses and evidence.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by sauce
    +13 +1

    The battle over science in the Trump administration

    President Donald Trump has made no secret of his desire to roll back environmental regulations and change the playing field for the fossil-fuel industry. His administration's actions over its first six months have followed that lead, including what many scientists say is a full-fledged battle against research and facts.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by TheSpirit
    +26 +1

    Mike Pence reassures Baltic states over Russia 'threat'

    US Vice-President Mike Pence has reaffirmed Washington's commitment to the security of the Baltic states if they face any aggression from Russia. Speaking in Estonia, he called Russia their biggest security threat, telling the Nato allies: "An attack on one of us is an attack on us all." The remarks come amid growing tensions as Russia orders a cut in US diplomatic staff numbers.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by cone
    +34 +1

    Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale

    The Fox News Channel and a wealthy supporter of President Trump worked in concert under the watchful eye of the White House to concoct a story about the death of a young Democratic National Committee aide, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday. The explosive claim is part of the lawsuit filed against Fox News by Rod Wheeler, a longtime paid commentator for the news network. The suit was obtained exclusively by NPR.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by wildcat
    -1 +1

    Anthony Scaramucci sacked as Trump media chief

    White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci has been fired after fewer than 10 days in the post. The former Wall Street financier had drawn criticism after calling a reporter to give a profanity-laced tirade against his colleagues. Mr Trump's chief of staff Reince Priebus and spokesman Sean Spicer both left their posts with his appointment.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by lostwonder
    +9 +1

    Burundi teenage robotics team goes missing after U.S. contest: police

    Six teenagers from a Burundi robotics team have been reported missing after an international competition in Washington and two of them were seen entering Canada, police said on Thursday.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by ckshenn
    +35 +1

    Trump Goes All In on the 'Collusion Is Normal' Defense

    Donald Trump once promised voters he wasn’t a politician. Now he’s defending his campaign by saying it acted like every other politician.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by darvinhg
    +24 +1

    Russia hacking row: Moscow demands US return seized mansions

    Russia is pressing demands that the US give it access to two diplomatic compounds seized in the US last year. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was unacceptable to set preconditions for returning the properties. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the move as "daylight robbery". In December the US expelled 35 Russian diplomats and shut the compounds over suspicions of meddling in US elections.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by ckshenn
    +3 +1

    White House: Trump didn't know about his son's meeting with Russian lawyer

    President Donald Trump only recently learned of the meeting between a Russian lawyer and three of his top campaign officials, including his son Donald Trump, Jr., a White House spokeswoman said Monday. Trump learned of the meeting "in the last couple of days," Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, describing the meeting Trump's son, Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Natalia Veselnitskaya, as "very short" with "absolutely no follow up."

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by jedlicka
    +17 +1

    EPA asks court to let it delay Obama air pollution rule

    The Trump administration asked a federal appeals court Friday to allow it to delay enforcement of an Obama administration rule to limit methane pollution from oil and natural gas drilling. Justice Department lawyers representing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) objected to the Monday ruling from the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that mandated that the EPA immediately enforce the methane regulation, which the Trump administration had tried to delay so that it could go through a full repeal process.

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by tukka
    +25 +1

    Donald Trump suggests Barack Obama is guilty of collusion or obstruction

    Donald Trump has claimed that Barack Obama 'colluded or obstructed' when he did not punish Russia for meddling in the US election, saying that the former president expected Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to win. In a morning tweetstorm, Mr Trump asserted that "The reason that President Obama did NOTHING about Russia after being notified by the CIA of meddling is that he expected Clinton would win...and did not want to 'rock the boat.' He didn't 'choke,' he colluded or obstructed, and it did the Dems and Crooked Hillary no good."

  • Current Event
    6 years ago
    by messi
    +13 +1

    Election Hackers Altered Voter Rolls, Stole Private Data: Officials

    The hacking of state and local election databases in 2016 was more extensive than previously reported, including at least one successful attempt to alter voter information, and the theft of thousands of voter records that contain private information like partial Social Security numbers, current and former officials tell TIME.