+10 +1
The Pinball Punk of Montreal
When musician Adam Kiesler tried to get pinball back on the street, he uncovered the game's seedy past – and the archaic laws that banned it.
+30 +1
Inside Quebec’s Great, Multi-Million-Dollar Maple-Syrup Heist
With the value of maple syrup at roughly $1,300 a barrel, it’s time everyone knew about FPAQ, the Canadian group that controls 72 percent of the world’s supply. By Rich Cohen.
+4 +1
Antidépresseurs: au-delà de la critique du Big Pharma
Juste en parcourant rapidement mes quelque 300 amis sur Facebook, je compte une douzaine de personnes qui prennent des antidépresseurs ou une quelconque forme de médication quotidienne qui les aide à maintenir une fonctionnalité minimale. Rajoutez à cela toutes celles qui le font sans que je ne sois au courant... Mais qu’est-ce qu’il se passe?
+2 +1
L'impasse souverainiste
J’ai voté OUI aux deux référendums. Le dernier, celui de 1995, m’a conduit à remettre en question ma quête éperdue de l’indépendance.
+21 +2
The Delightful Perversity of Québec's Catholic Swears
Québec is bilingual, but reluctantly. As a French province with small pockets of English, and a few larger pockets that will willingly use both languages, the signs, by law, are in French. The language on the street is French. Ordering food or browsing a store will likely involve some amount of standard conversational French, and should you get in trouble with the law, it's going to be time to find a Francophile lawyer. The profanity, though, is pure Québec.
+21 +6
Video released of helicopter escape from Quebec jail
A video showing a helicopter escape of two inmates in 2013 from a detention centre in St-Jérôme, Que., was unveiled today during the trial of Hells Angels sympathizer Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau. Hudon-Barbeau, 38, is accused of participating in a series of unrelated crimes in the province's Laurentians region in the fall of 2012 relating to a drug turf war. He pleaded not guilty to two counts of first-degree murder and three counts of attempted murder.
+22 +4
So when do we get that ‘full and open’ debate on the TPP?
The Liberals are punting a real discussion on the Trans-Pacific Partnership as far into the future as possible
+33 +10
Montreal officials call for suspension of UberX operations
Quebec Transport Minister Jacques Daoust and Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre are calling for the suspension of UberX while a government committee examines how taxis and the popular app-based ride service can co-exist in the province. The calls to suspend UberX come in the wake of a demonstration Wednesday that saw hundreds of taxis disrupt traffic at Montreal's Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport.
+15 +4
36 Hours in Quebec City - The New York Times
In Quebec’s capital, hip and historic exist side by side, with cultural and culinary enticements for all manner of visitors.
+48 +5
Canada’s maple syrup ‘rebels’
The Canadian maple syrup producers who are protesting against their “totalitarian”, all-powerful trade organisation. By Andreane Williams.
+21 +2
The most Canadian cake I've ever seen!
"Oh, I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day."
1 comments by Bastou -
+28 +2
English signs must be taken down in Gaspé [Quebec] hospitals, language watchdog rules
The regional health centre in Gaspé has been ordered to take down bilingual signs inside its buildings. By Julia Page.
+2 +1
« Nègres blancs » et Autochtones : un dialogue nécessaire
Les révélations de l’émission Enquête ont eu l’effet d’une bombe, avec raison. Mais au-delà du choc initial, cette crise doit être l’occasion d’une réflexion en profondeur sur les rapports entre le peuple québécois et les peuples des Premières Nations. On est habitué d’entendre certains politiciens parler du Québec comme d’un cas « exemplaire ». Au Canada anglais (rien de surprenant), on dit souvent l’inverse : la société québécoise serait insensible aux enjeux autochtones.
+39 +6
The Rhythm of the Tide
When I heard data from an island had proven humans are still evolving, I had to visit. By Scott Solomon.
+4 +1
Canada : Justin Trudeau, un nouveau premier ministre à l’ascension éclair
Le jeune libéral formera le prochain gouvernement, mettant fin à plus de neuf années de domination des conservateurs de Stephen Harper.
+1 +1
Le droit d’être méchant a un prix
Si la loi doit tolérer que des propos dérangeants soient émis dans l’espace public, la société civile, elle, a le devoir de se mobiliser lorsque certains dépassent les bornes : en matière de liberté d’expression, la force de la mobilisation citoyenne et la vigilance du débat public doivent être proportionnelles à la tolérance de l’État.
+2 +1
Trudeau’s ‘middle-class tax cut’ is a mirage
Two-thirds of Canadians will receive little or no benefit from Liberal tax cut
+2 +1
Challenge Harper government’s cruel treatment of refugees this election
Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care urges voters to support parties that will reinstate refugee health coverage
+2 +1
Conservatives stoop to fearmongering again with latest niqab appeal
Why as a feminist I support Zunera Ishaq
+26 +4
Sucrerie de la Montagne
This shack nestled in a 120-acre forest of maple trees in Mont-Rigaud is a wonderland of sugary syrup
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