
Lead white, zinc white, titanium dioxide is different

Lead white, zinc white, titanium dioxide is different The chemical composition of lead white is lead carbonate, making oil painting color coverage is better. Lead powder is often used as a base material. Lead WHITE IS THE BEST WHITE pigment IN CURRENT OIL PAINTING color, pure lead white is very stable, IF the composition is not pure, after a long time will yellow, lead white oil painting color dry fast, dry color layer is solid, it is the best kind of white in European traditional oil painting color, many oil painting masters have used. But lead white has a very strong toxicity, even if the inhalation of dust containing lead white will also produce serious consequences, so the grinding of lead white will bring danger to people. Now the production of white oil paint for zinc white, titanium white or zinc titanium white. The chemical composition of zinc white is zinc oxide, known as zinc oxide powder. Zinc powder is slightly lighter than lead powder, white than lead, durable yellow, stable, dry after the color layer is stronger, but eat more oil, covering force is not strong lead white, dry slowly, easy to crack. European painters began using zinc white paint only in 1840. Zinc white will become lemon yellow when heated (in the sun), and will return to white when cooled. Zinc white is not toxic, it is cooler than lead white, and has a blue tendency. The chemical composition of titanium dioxide is titanium oxide, is an inert pigment, not affected by climatic conditions, has a strong coverage, is a pigment produced in modern times. Pure titanium white color dry quickly, dry easy to turn yellow, so often mixed with zinc white. Zinc titanium white can not only reduce the brittleness of zinc white, but also improve the disadvantage of titanium white alone. Titanium white and zinc white have the same advantages of non-toxic. Zinc titanium white is a large amount of white pigment at present.

1 year ago by Painting

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