
Question of the Day: 6/13/15

Hi guys, I thought that having a question of the day might be a fun way to get conversations going. Let's give it a shot should we?

Let me know what you think.

Today's question of the day is :

If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

8 years ago by AvocadoAtLaw with 28 comments

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Conversation 7 comments by 6 users
  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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  • Splitfish

    That's a tough first question! Umm I don't know, but probably the mind. I'm usually pretty careful and don't do dumb things so I've never been seriously injured or anything.

    • AvocadoAtLaw (edited 8 years ago)

      Well, no amount of care can save you from the worst injury of all: Time. Having the body of a thirty year old can definitly increase your quality of life, but yeah I would go for the mind aswell.

      • Splitfish

        Yeah your mind is your computer that runs your body. But again it's a tough question for sure.

  • Cheesemangeur

    I can get used to the idea that my body will be weaker, and that I won't be able to do as many things as I could do. However, the idea of my mind becoming prone to dementia and other related illnesses is not something I would ever want. If your mind is gone, you won't be even aware that you have a body you can use to do interesting activities.

    • mariogi

      /end thread.

      JK there are some excellent answers here and looking forward to reading more.

  • kigurame

    I am currently 38. I consider myself to have had decent amount of mental development at the age of 30. Technological advancement is expected but not guaranteed. ( what if we have zombie apocalypse ) So therefore I'll take the body

  • Xenomorph

    I would definitely go for mind. Saw my grandmother go through dementia and it was not a fun ordeal. Also in the future we might have exoskeletons so I could be like robot grandpa. Yeah I'm imagining myself as this wise old cyborg.

  • Gozzin

    To have more money than I could ever spend and thus,fly over towns and drop money in the poor sections.

    • AvocadoAtLaw

      That...that is not one of the anwer choices! Anarchy.

  • kolekelley2

    Body of a 30 year old, because I would be more able to do things later in life, and the mind isn't always needed :)

  • spaceghoti

    I would go with the body. I wouldn't want my mind locked into one capacity or mindset for sixty years. That kind of stagnation would be a kind of death on its own. I would rather allow my mind to change while my body was locked in place.

  • iF5

    I would say mind for the VR aspect, we already have Oculus!

  • Lagz

    I would go with the body. I'm 30 now and my body is beat up from the Army so my body will be worse when I'm 90.

  • nak3dbacon

    Body because my body would fail long before my brain. I'd have longer to travel and see the world. I don't want to spend the rest of my life studying, working and such. I've accepted that I'll die thus I'd just plan to travel from 55 - 75 years old, and then leave the rest of my life to relax and let my mind die.

  • picklefingers

    I'd go with mind. I'm not very scared of my body degenerating. I'm not an athlete. However, I'm very scared of the mind at old age. That truly is me I'd be losing.

  • Dinolazer

    I would choose the mind of a 30 year old. I used to work in a retirement home, and the residents who had Alzheimer's really had my sympathy. Losing your mind and your memories is something I am terrified of, so I would definitely choose mind over body.

  • gtwy

    I'll take the body. My grandfathers on both sides had near full capacity until the end. Both of them were still some of the smartest people I've ever known.

  • AvocadoAtLaw

    Personally I would choose the mind of a 30 yeard old. One of my biggest fear is to slowly lose my mind as I age. I would love to have a guarantee of a healthy mind, as I have heard some horror stories of the elderly saying things they never would have otherwise and their personality taking a turn for the worse.

  • beren (edited 8 years ago)

    mind, that's not even a hard one.